Tuesday, March 24, 2009

PowerPoint is Evil

I really enjoyed this article about PowerPoint being evil. It does seem like a bad prescription drug that seems to have way to many side effects. I don't see why people think it is such a big deal to do a PowerPoint presentation. I think that it's ok in the business arena, or when you are trying to sell something. However, in the school setting, I'm not sure it is real effective. Students need to be able to do research and write papers. In the article by Edward Tufts I agree that the PowerPoint presentation in school minimizes the reading and effort students need to put into their work. Learning how to write and do research for a report should be more important than a PowerPoint presentation. However, I think it is good to know how to do a PowerPoint presentation, but I still think the old fashioned way of doing a presentation is better! I think it requires less work than if you actually sat down and wrote a paper. Students today, are always looking for a short cuts to keep from doing work. When students do PowerPoint presentations, there doesn't seem to be a lot of work put into the presentations. In other words it seems to be more about using the technology than the quality of work itself.

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